Crazy New Behaviors After All These Years? Hope So.
My first thought after I hung up on my husband was “Oh, my!” followed by a whispered F-bomb.
This was a stunningly new behavior for me. Not that I don’t regularly hang up on unsolicited telemarketers. I do.
But never in over 40 years of marriage have I ever hung up on my husband.
Until last Monday…
What’s Still Possible?
“Where have I been?” you asked.
Okay, so maybe you’re not asking, but Jerry Hogan who took me to the Junior Prom did ask. “Are you okay?” appeared on Messenger four weeks ago.
Due to my disappearance from social media and no blog posts for 12 months, there have been other inquiries lately about my geographic location (Where are you?), my marriage (What’s going on with…
The Good-Bye Moment to Middle Age from a Once Beautiful Woman
It’s my first winter in Nashville and I wear heavy coats much earlier than I would if I were in Pensacola or San Miguel de Allende. Yesterday I put on a beloved wool jacket, stuck my hand in the pocket and pull out a love letter from a guy I dated in high school.
He was a swell guy.
In the Midst of This Chaos, Will You Surrender What You Want in Life? Don't You Dare.
I tried out for cheerleading 13 times. Twice a year from eighth grade through my freshman year in college before football and basketball tryouts for the cheerleading squad, I practiced kicks, splits, and the spread eagle. I thought I was good.
I was not chosen.
Living Fully Enough ... For Now
Last week my husband and I celebrated 35 years of marriage with a plan for dinner out at one of the nicest restaurants in Pensacola. The restaurant was serving 8 outside tables far apart with staff wearing masks. The reservation was for the obscene early hour of 5pm to avoid crowds. We were excited.
Then one of the employees tested positive for the coronavirus and the restaurant had to shut down. So, we did…
Shooing Death from my Doorstep: Roaring for More of My Life After Covid-19
With this viral pandemic comes daily escalating numbers of individuals who have not survived. The growing number of souls lost, now topping 55,000 in the United States, more than just bothers me. I am unsettled and scared for others in the world…and for myself.
I take no daily medication and am fit as a fiddle – a Stradivarius fiddle mind you. Still, I am vulnerable…
Older? Yes. Resilient? Oh Yeah Baby
We are not living the lives we want to live. Life is altered.
Staying home is the right thing to do. I can feel positive with new-found hours to reorganize a garage shelf, exercise more than ever and research the best new home for ball gowns in my closet that I don’t use anymore.
Mostly though I’m not ultra-happy. Life is not great. My husband can drive me crazy even before this exile lifestyle…
You Are What You Do. (I Don’t Care What They Say.)
At the end of my bike ride yesterday, I pushed the odometer and, as the digital numbers for my distance appeared: 18.34. A surprising “ugh!” entertains no one except garage doors and me.I hadn’t ridden for a couple of days, then purposely planned plenty of riding time, set a goal of 20 miles, and … didn’t make it.I wasn’t pleased.
The Grace of An Ordinary Life
The rooster three doors down crows every morning before dawn here in Mexico. I don’t need an alarm because the internal clock of Mr. Cock-a-Doodle-Doo relays the message to anticipate sunrise – the beginning of a new day.Studies show it is the highest-ranking rooster that greets the dawn first. The others wait patiently before they join in. Waiting patiently for something “new” to appear in life is an option. But moving toward newness…
"One Year to Live" - My Class in San Miguel de Allende
Two months ago when the waters of Santa Rosa Sound were choppy and the day so grey I could barely see the boat house at the end of the dock I was taken back in time and place.Today reminds me of a time when my daughter, Elizabeth, and I were making our way southward on a 42-foot sailboat in mid-December
Still Living in the Moment? Wishing on a Star Can Bring You Much More Joy and Happiness.
Last month I pulled off a surprise celebration for my husband’s 80th birthday. My remarks to a crowd of over 80 well-wishers (actually it was more like a TEDtalk and I had a great time giving it) were a retrospective of his life’s accomplishments and a tribute to…
Not This Life . . . That Life
I have not posted in a while. I couldn’t. I lost my endeavor. I didn’t feel like it.
Besieged is how I have felt. Priorities I carefully chose suddenly began to compete for my energy. The necessities of participating in life (and moments of trying to figure it out what was happening) made even the creative possibilities I set in motion impossible.I was deprived of clarity. It happens…
Let’s Have Dinner and Talk About Death (and Life)
There’s nothing I like better than good conversation at my dining table. Good conversation is rich, and rewarding. Good conversation means you learn something that makes your life better.But while the grilled swordfish is the best ever, what’s said or not said around the dinner table can’t be predicted.It’s a rarity. But once is a while, I pray for any talk to be exchanged.
Just Selfish Enough: Fighting for the Life You Want
Liam, my four-year-old grandson, is curious about the planets, overturns rocks to pick up any bugs that don’t move fast and chooses to release his highly prized lightening bug from the jar – “because he is lonely.”Each afternoon on the playground when his name is called for pick up, Liam runs to his two best friends, Isaiah and Anna Noelle, to give each one a hug goodbye. The child is curious, affectionate, loving and kind.Liam is also selfish.
How to Render the Desires of Your Grown-Up Heart into Life Ahead
In the blue distance your life will unfurl.
I wish people spent more time contemplating that blue distance and less time on Facebook.There is so much more to life unseen by the eye. Brazen of me to say as Instagram revels in double-digit growth. Selfies are now one of the most popular activities in our culture. Don’t tell me you haven’t done this.
Why It Matters to Know When You Leave Midlife Behind
“Let’s pretend for a moment that I am 73.”
That’s what I said to the audience an hour into my presentation, The New New Rules of Retirement. They knew immediately this was make-believe because I don’t look 73.At least I don’t think I look 73. Anyway I am not 73…yet.
The Working Retirement: 7 Things To Do Within 5 Years of Leaving Your Job
It’s no joke. You intend to create a different kind of life in the future.In this imagined life, you cease responding to texts and emails that waste your time. You’ll never again endure a narcissist’s rant.No long commutes, improbable targets and boring, stupid meetings.No way.In this new life, the day unfolds just the way you’d like.
Ten Ways to Transition into Paid Work Instead of Retirement
Yesterday outside Publix, I ran into an old friend. We talked, caught up and then he asked about my work.“I’m helping people uncover possibilities for being productive in work until they want to retire at 85!”He smiled.
My Life, My Art: How to Make 2016 Your Kick-Ass Year
We live our lives. We don’t make our lives. Isn’t that right?Of course not. I know you know this.We make the lives we live – step by step, plunge by plunge. We construct, formulate and compose a production using our energies and spirit along with whatever else is thrown our way.Currently our life's play is stimulating, wonderful, dissatisfying, miserable, boring or downright dull.
When Old Friends Aren’t Good Friends Anymore
Let’s begin this valuable, well-researched and personal rant on friendship at the playground. “Do you want to play with me,” asks the three-year-old. What happens next can be heartwarming or heartbreaking. Sometimes there’s no reply, simply a look between two kids before they begin to play together. Just as often, a child says, “No,” turns…